Today I was finally able to deliver 2 custom benches that I had made for my clients' entry in Newport Beach. We had to have the iron base fabricated, then custom painted with a silvery/taupe/slightly antiqued finish, then we had my upholsterer biscuit tuft the top leather. I threw some throw pillows on top and a rug beneath and created a little photo shoot. I love the color of leather that we finally decided on. You can't really tell from the photos, but it has a slight metallic look to it.

Another recent addition to the same house was a couple of picture shelves on the piano wall in the living room. My clients had a bunch of cool photographs from San Francisco, so I framed them and had our wood worker build two thin picture shelves to set them on. Here was my inspiration photograph:

The room still isn't quite finished, but here are the finished shelves with artwork. (Please excuse the horrible lighting, clearly I don't have this photography thing down quite yet.)

Their house is really coming along, I can't wait to finish up with lighting and accessories and then share the finished project.
Very cool! Have a great weekend, Brittany!