Tomorrow I will be heading back up to LA for fabric and furniture shopping with a client, and we're also going to swing by and hear Thomas O'Brien's presentation at the LA Mart gift show. I'll also probably go check on my window displays to make sure nothing has fallen off the walls (I admit that I used adhesive tape to put up a couple of the map pictures and now I'm just praying they don't fall).
American Modern My Inspirations for Classic Style, from Modern to Traditional
Location: L.A. Mart, California Room
Time: 11:00 - noon
Acclaimed interior and home furnishings designer Thomas O’Brien discusses his design philosophy and his new book, American Modern, a survey of seven of his most influential projects ranging from traditional to modern in style. Book signing and reception to follow at the L.A. Mart 2nd Floor.
I'm a fan of Mr. O'Brien. I have specified many of his designer lighting to clients and also some of his furniture and fabric. He makes really classic furnishings with a beautiful warm quality. Some of his stuff is more tradtional, other items are more contemporary, he has a really great mix of furnishings that can be easily inserted into a number of different interiors. And for those on a tighter budget, he also has a line at Target.
Below are some of my favorite things created under the Thomas O'Brien name.

Below is the same fixture installed in one of my client's breakfast nooks.
Can I ask a question? Where did you find the dining table for your client? It's gorgeous!