Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ink & Paper

January consists of getting the visual displays ready for the California Gift Show and splitting my time between Orange County and downtown Los Angeles. (Not to mention that my favorite TV shows are coming back from the winter break.) That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for me to find great blog content, so I get really excited when someone (in this case my little brother, thanks Jeff!) emails me something that they know I will love and that I can in turn post about. 

I almost started tearing up when Gary says, "couldn't pay the bill". I love that he loves paper enough to continue running a business that obviously doesn't have a very big pay off. I place a lot of value on unique paper and letterpress printing; this video makes me want to run out and support these 2 unique businesses. Come to think of it, I actually am due for new business cards and stationery...


  1. I stumbled upon this gem of a video and blog post while searching for letterpress for a client. THIS WAS SO REMARKABLE...thank you a million times over for finding and sharing!
