Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Art Is Always Inspiration

I came across a lot of interesting artists while cruising through the MOMA in NYC, many of which were new to me. Every time I visit a new exhibit in a museum or gallery, visit a new webpage, or pick up a new art book...it seems like there is another noteworthy artist that I want to catalog away in my mind. Each of the artists that catch my eye are talented and unique in his/her own way and I try so hard to remember their distinct style and technique, along with their name and country of origin. There are so many to keep track of that it is near impossible for me to remember every single artist that I admire. Thankfully I have a camera phone and internet bookmarks to help keep them all straight.

1 Ben Vautier / 2 Lazlo Moholy-Nagy / 3 Niele Toroni / 4 Cy Twombly

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