Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alexander Calder @ the OCMA


The new exhibit at the Orange County Museum of Art features the work of beloved artist Alexander Calder along with other contemporary artists influenced by Calder.

After studying to be a mechanical engineer, Alexander Calder later went on to study art and eventually became famous for his miniature circus acts that he would carry in suitcases and perform for audiences. "Cirque Calderfeatured circus performers made from wire, string, rubber, cloth, and other found objects. Thanks to YouTube we have access to Calder's fascinating little circus' at the click of a mouse. 

Alexander Calder is perhaps most famous for creating the mobile. Calder had said, "To most people who look at a mobile, it's no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry."





And to is poetry. 

Go to the OCMA and see for yourself. The Calder exhibit runs through September 4, 2011.

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