Sunday, December 5, 2010

Joan Mitchell at the Gagosian

La Grande Vallee XVI, Pour Iva, 1983

Looking at art is a lot like clothes shopping for me. I take a long time to browse and don't like to feel rushed or like someone is waiting for me. I like to stare at things for a long time to decide how I feel about them, move on to the next thing, and then go back to something I've preciously viewed. They are two of my favorite pass times, and for these reasons, I generally prefer to do both alone, so I was a little nervous when two of my guy friends, who aren't really that into art, invited themselves to come along to view Joan Mitchell's exhibit at the Gagosian on Saturday.

Lucky for them they were very well behaved, and lucky for me there were only 13 paintings in the exibit, which means they didn't get too restless.

If you have any interest in abstract expressionist paintings, then you really need to go see this exhibit. The paintings were amazing. Seriously amazing. The Gagosian is in a beautiful part of LA, and the gallery itself is very cool from an architectural stand point. Entrance is free, parking around the corner is free, and it's not a huge time commitment. It's a small gallery and you can stare at the paintings for a long time and still be done in an hour.

Have I sold you on it yet? I've posted some photos of my favorites, and if you want to read LA Times art review go here.

Yves, 1991

Merci, 1992

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