Friday, May 7, 2010

Photo Shoot 2 of 2

Here are photos from the other home that Stacey photographed for me this past month. This living/dining/entry was one of my favorite types of projects - complete design from custom furniture to accessories. This Newport Beach family moved in to this modern house from a more craftsman style home in Huntington Beach. They wanted to start from scratch, and although we didn't originally plan it, we ended up having every piece of furniture custom made, with the exception of the white cabinet, which was an antique that I found here in Newport.

Here are a couple of the before photos...

Now time for bed! I have my first ever morning "surf sesh" and then off to LA to visit the La Cienega cooridor and check out the window displays and catch a few panels.


  1. These look amazing! You plus Stacy is a winning combo for design photos.

  2. LOVING your design here. The coloring is simply gorgeous!

  3. Britt, I love this! I just discovered your blog and I am coming back here often. You are so talented.

  4. Mel - Thanks sister, I love you!

    Aubrey - Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it, it's always nice to get feedback from a fellow designer!

    Marc - I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. If you ever want a shopping buddy for your newlywed condo, I'm totally game!

  5. Could you tell me where the rug is from? Or where to find something like it? I love it and I've never seen an oriental rug in gray...


  6. Hi Devon,

    The rug is from Stark Carpet. Good luck!

